Organic foods Ц Growing Availability

Organically grown foods are appearing more often in health food stores and even in some supermarkets. But for most of us it still isnТt possible to fill our shopping carts with nothing but the purest organic foods. Not enough of them are being produced, and what is available is expensive. But as demand grows and as farmers discover that organic farming is not only better for their customer, their environment, and themselves, as well as the fact that it can also be lucrative, more acreage will plowed and planted without the use of chemicals. And we will continue to find a growing supply of organics at the grocery.

At present, unfortunately, there are no federal standards, so not everything labeled УorganicФ was grown without herbicides, pesticides, or other chemicals. Look for certification by a state or private agency.

Fortunately for young children and their parents, more and more jarred organic baby foods Ц preparations that are untainted by chemicals , as well as having no added sugar or salt Ц are turning up at the supermarkets as well as at health food stores. Everything a fledgling eater can desire can be found in an organic line, from beginner cereals and strained fruits, vegetables, and meats, to combination main courses. Toddler foods will also be available soon.

Buying organic, when you can find what you need and can afford the often higher prices, serves a couple of purposes. One, of course, is protecting your family from unwanted chemicals. Though there is no hard evidence linking chemically treated foods with illness in humans, there certainly has not been enough study to prove beyond a doubt that there arenТt any long term effects. The second purpose is to encourage markets to stock organic products. If organic foods are not available in your neighborhood, ask your supermarket or produce store to carry them; consumer interested will help bring the supply up and prices down. And, again, donТt worry if you canТt find or canТt afford organic produce Ц the risks involved with serving up other produce are small.

organic food [ɔ:Тg?gnik]Ч натуральные, здоровые пищепродукты
foods Ц продукты питани¤ (обычно Ц food/foodstuff)
shopping carts Ц тележки (в магазинах)
lucrative [Сlu:krətiv ] - прибыльный, выгодный, доходный, рентабельный
acreage [Сeikəridg] - площадь земли (в акрах)
plough = plow [Plau] Ц плуг; вспахивать.
plant Ц сажать, се¤ть.
Use [ju:s] (noun) Ц употребление, использование. (!!! √лагол читаетс¤ Ц [ju:z]
supply Ц поставка (товара и т.д.)
grocery Ц [Сgrəus(ə)ry] (небольшой)
продовольственный магазин (American): бакалейна¤ лавка (british) [grocer's shop] = - означает любой продовольственный магазин
Toddler Ц ребЄнок начинающий ходить (где-то от года)
herbicide [Сhə:bisaid]Ц гербицид
pesticide [Сpestisaid] Ц пестицид
jarred [dʒa:d]Ц происходит от jar Ц банка, кувшин, сосуд
untainted - о репутации, моральном облике и т. п. безупречный, незап¤тнанный
fledgling (noun) - новичок, неопытный юнец; человек, начинающий свою карьеру
strained fruits Ц процеженные фрукты
course [kɔ:s]Ц блюдо
to stock - иметь в наличии, в продаже, снабжать, поставл¤ть, обеспечивать.
produce [Сprodju:s] (noun) - изделие, издели¤; продукт, продукци¤;
effect [iТfekt] Ц эффект, результат, следствие.
to serve up - обеспечивать, предоставл¤ть; кормить, пичкать (пр¤мой и переносный смысл); подавать ( еду, блюдо и т.д. ).

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